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Royal Holloway, U of London



Syllabus Information


2024/25 Academic Session
22 Jan, 2025
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Information Use this page to view syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the module.

As a result of College adapting your modules to combine face-to-face on campus and online teaching and learning support, the breakdown of notional learning hours set out under the heading “Technical Requirements” below may not necessarily reflect how each module will be delivered this year. Further details relating to this will be made available by your department and will be updated as part of the student timetable.

Syllabus Information
HS 3347 - Migr & Cit in Mod Brit (Diss)
Associated Term: 2024/25 Academic Session
Learning Objectives:
The student will write a 10,000 word dissertation on a topic of their own choosing, decided in dialogue with the course controller who will act as supervisor via regular consultation. The topic will relate to the themes covered in the accompanying taught course HS3346, Migration, Identity and Citizenship in Modern Britain (Exam). Learning Outcomes: Design, research and complete a full 10,000 word dissertation. Understand the process of independent historical research, placing their own work within the wider historiography of their chosen field. Employ a variety of research skills and methods, including constructing their own bibliographies and critically assessing a wide range of primary and secondary sources. To write and submit work to a high standard. Be actively involved in the production of knowledge, rather than passively consuming it through formal lectures and seminars, and make a significant contribution to our understanding of their subject.
Required Materials: Click here for the reading list system
Technical Requirements: The total number of notional learning hours associated with course are 300. These will normally be broken down as follows: 10 hour(s) of Individual Supervisory Sessions across 10 week(s) 2 hour(s) of Lecture(s) across 2 week(s) 288 hours of Guided Independent Study Summative Assessment: Dissertation (10000 Words) - 100%

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