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Royal Holloway, U of London



Syllabus Information


2024/25 Academic Session
22 Jan, 2025
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Information Use this page to view syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the module.

As a result of College adapting your modules to combine face-to-face on campus and online teaching and learning support, the breakdown of notional learning hours set out under the heading “Technical Requirements” below may not necessarily reflect how each module will be delivered this year. Further details relating to this will be made available by your department and will be updated as part of the student timetable.

Syllabus Information
HS 3346 - Migr & Cit in Mod Britain (Ex)
Associated Term: 2024/25 Academic Session
Learning Objectives:
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the role that migration has played in British life since the nineteenth century, with particular focus on the evolution of identities and notions of citizenship. It looks historically at the arrival, reception and impact of migrants – such as the Irish, Jewish and people from different parts of Britain’s global empire - in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, before focusing on the experiences of those migrant groups that arrived after World War II and the various ways in which successive governments have sought to manage their presence in Britain. From immigration legislation, to race riots, from multiculturalism to Islamophobia, this module engages with key aspects of modern British life and the various factors, historical as well as contemporary, that have shaped them. Learning Outcomes: 1. Understand the various processes of migration to Britain that have taken place since the nineteenth century. 2. Describe the various challenges associated with identity-formation and notions of citizenship. 3. Demonstrate an ability to analyse and reflect critically upon the main historiographical debates. 4. Engage with the language, categories and nuances of twentieth-century sources, printed and manuscript, visual and textual. 5. Demonstrate advanced skills in the handling of a variety of primary materials. 6. Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the secondary literature and the main historiographical debates. 7. Demonstrate enhanced personal communication and presentation skills.
Required Materials: Click here for the reading list system
Technical Requirements: The total number of notional learning hours associated with course are 300. These will normally be broken down as follows: 42 hour(s) of Seminar(s) across 21 week(s) 3 hour(s) of Tutorials across 3 week(s) 255 hours of Guided Independent Study Formative Assessment: Essay (3000 Words) Summative Assessment: Examination (180 Minutes) - 60% Essay (3000 Words) - 30% Presentation (10 Minutes) - 10%

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