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Royal Holloway, U of London



Syllabus Information


2024/25 Academic Session
22 Jan, 2025
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Information Use this page to view syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the module.

As a result of College adapting your modules to combine face-to-face on campus and online teaching and learning support, the breakdown of notional learning hours set out under the heading “Technical Requirements” below may not necessarily reflect how each module will be delivered this year. Further details relating to this will be made available by your department and will be updated as part of the student timetable.

Syllabus Information
EN 3336 - Vernacular Writing
Associated Term: 2024/25 Academic Session
Learning Objectives:
This course surveys a wide range of texts written in a variety of English(es). It encourages students to broaden their perspective of English Literature as being more accurately the study of various literatures written in various modes of English. Drawing on both literary and critical texts from the Harlem Renaissance, the postcolonial Caribbean, Africa and India and also contemporary texts that have emerged out of profound creolized urban spaces, students will be encouraged to explore the ways in which literature grows out of specific language contexts and how writers have often grapples with the fraught politics of the language choices writers they have made as they try to represent different cultures. Topics which will be discussed include: nation language; creolized English and dialects; the speakerly text; the intersections of race, gender, class and writing; the politics of writing and audience. The 2 main assessment pieces of this course can either be submitted as a creative exercise or a critical essay and so the course will be appropriate for both English Literature and Creative Writing students. All students who take this module will be expected to reflect more critically on their own language situations and Creative Writers in particular will be expected to gain broader insight in the language choices they make as writers and the choices available to them.k here and type Learning Outcomes: 1. demonstrate a much broader knowledge of literatures written in a variety of Englishes
Required Materials: Click here for the reading list system
Technical Requirements: The total number of notional learning hours associated with course are 300. These will normally be broken down as follows: 20 hour(s) of Seminars across 10 week(s) 260 hour(s) of Guided Independent Study Formative Assessment: weekly submission of questions to frame seminar discussions week 7 submission of brief critical piece week 15 submission of brief creative piece Summative Assessment: Class Presentation - 10% Essay (2500 Words) - 30% Essay (4000 Words) - 60%

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